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These 1/72 guys look better in a group

I've been painting off and on the last couple of weeks, and I've finally ended up with a decent array of 1/72 medieval knight dudes. I'm planning to use these for mass combat in a variety of game systems, so everything has been kept intentionally generic. They're just a bunch of guys with swords and shields, which is great. And they look pretty sharp in a big group—and they're SO CHEAP.

The cavalry take a long time to paint, not the least because I am running out of ways to paint the horses. Moving forward, I think they're just going to be black or brown, to save time. I'm very pleased with how the bases have come out...this is my new basing scheme, which takes a lot of time but looks very nice when finished.

I wish I could say my painting is drawing to a close, but it's not. I just picked up 35+ random fantasy miniatures at a gaming auction last weekend. Add that to the pile of unpainted dudes sitting around on my desk, and I should be well occupied until this time next year.

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