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All The Presidents: Drew Friedman in conversation with Robert Klein

Thur, Oct 3rd at New York's Strand Bookstore's Rare Books Room, Broadway and 12th St, join artist Drew Friedman in conversation with the legendary comedian and actor Robert Klein discussing Friedman's latest book ALL THE PRSIDENTS, followed by a book signing. Seating is limited, reserve your seats now. This is the official book launch for the book.


“Somehow, Drew Friedman’s mastery manages to both humanize and satirize every member of this most exclusive club of U.S. presidents. Blemishes, moles, and errant hairs are like stars in his sky.”
- Jake Tapper

From the artist hailed by BOINGBOING as the greatest portraitist of our time comes ALL THE PRESIDENTS, a new collection of portraits of every U.S. president, from George Washington to Donald J. Trump, and everyone in between, each rendered in Friedman’s celebrated "warts & all" style, accompanied by vital statistics and fun factoids about each subject. ALL THE PRESIDENTS features a comic strip introduction by the author, and a foreword by Kurt Andersen, author and host of public radio’s Studio 360. Published by Fantagraphics books.

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