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Acquiescing to Mike Valentino's True Nature

[This post is #6 in a series. Here's #1, #2, #3, #4, and #5.]

By now, I've surely instilled at least a little bit of homosexual panic into Mike Valentino, a strong, virile, masculine, heterosexual hillbilly who hides behind his wife and his marriage in order to keep me and my online stalking at bay. But I honestly have no intention of compromising his straightness, his relationship, or his dignity, so I've decided to back off a little and call a truce.

On top of that, I'm perfectly willing to reaffirm his heterosexuality by switching gears here and talking about things like girls and beer and sports. Yes. Let's talk about sports. Mike Valentino surely likes sports. So here's a video clip to get Mike Valentino's mind off of the wonders of bi-curiosity and back into his world of straight men and their love of sports. You're welcome, Mike Valentino, you're welcome:

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