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Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook face Anti-Trust lawsuit and Google/YouTube and Twitter need to be next for federal lawsuits

 Zachary Zuckerberg

    My brother Mar Zuckerberg is having a doleful fit as news tat forty eight states and the district of Columbia has sued the pants of this elite and Facebook accusing of it abusing its power and stifling big tech competition and allowing left-wing censorship to partake within its sight. The Federal Trade Commission and my brothers company is facing a stressful time and demand for it to sell off its WhatsApp and Instagram services, entities that should of remained independent and shouldn't of been allowed to be purchases as assets especially the fat that they were growing new companies and not failed business plans or organizations. Mar Zuckerberg has been accused of eliminating its competition through these purchases and in many ways these companies that allowed themselves to be swallowed up should face scrutiny and its leaders investigated.

This is great news and investigation to all monopolies through tech will take pace and Tim Apple and Jeff Bezos will see their business get this dame Facebook approach from  he FTC as these two plutocrats also have abused the system along with scumbag Black Jack Dorsey of Twitter as these three billionaires take many free market Central bank international money to be used to sway elections  and manipulate our politics and yes my brother Mark Zuckerberg is equally guilty of this long preferring to see China rule the word and much like congressman Eric Swalwell Markie was seduced and brought to the Chinese side through the art of seduction and Chinese supremacist . The end of Google must come as well if they work on their force of censoring those who question and point out the fraud and abuse of this 2020 election and big tech needs to be held accountable for the suppression fo news and information based n their political preferences and beliefs that consist of extreme liberalism and propagandist lies for the Democratic and CCP parties.

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