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Mark Dice bashes David Pakman and Sam Seder a new ass as bot libtards want social media monopolists to censure speech of conservatives

   Arthur "King" Eaton
   YouTube rockstar podcaster Mark Dice went after two of the most widespread proponents of fake news and propaganda on the internet and this being the two top liberal weasels of the podcast talk world in David Pakman and Sam Seder. Mark Die made a video of how very concerned these two turds are with conservative storm gathers  battles back against the forces of censorship in big liberal tech in Silicon Valley and how the left needs to defend Google,Facebook, etc etc in order to prevent the message and ideas of men like Mark Dice. Dice mocked these feminine shits of wuss words and
talk of forked tongue with hopes of continuing the fine tradition of prevention of other voices from being expressed and ideas  as the only ideas that these two monkeys wish to spread are those who share insane far-left Democratic socialist utopia and one of economic confiscation from the successful people. Mark Dice cannot believe how open these two liberal shits are in support of big tech and their ability to stop criticism and repression of conservatives and those who would stand up to the racial identity and division funders from overseas that help propel these two silly jackasses to have the financial means to broadcast their bullshit and lies against this country. It seems like more and more people are starting to take notice of Sam Seder and see and call him out for the bullshit artist he is in daily talk on both the Ring Of Fire and Majority Report praganda outlets.
Dave Pakman and Sam Seder have their own issues going with one another and infighting among all of these desperate far-left internationalists as bot take huh Pakman and Seder take hush money from Argentina and Israel socialists and those who work to empower Spanish peons into political muscle and those traitors in Israel who hate fellow Jews and wish to empower Palestinians to commit mass atrocities and holocaust 2.0 and for these two Jews to support the vision and genocidal hopes of Arab supremacists is typical of the sickness the far left like them share with one another.

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