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STAR WARS debut in Hungary caught its citizens imaginations just as quickly as anywhere else in the world, and some fine poster art and comic strip work has emerged from it since the late seventies. One of the most distinctive has to be from the accomplished pensmanship of Attila Fazekas, who created his own superb STAR WARS adaptation back in 1982 which proved nearer to the film version visually than anything done in 1976 by Howard Chaykin-who brought his own distinctive and evocative sci-fi style to the material for MARVEL COMICS back in the day. Fazekas then went on to do an adaptation of EMPIRE which was also well received, and is now in the process of doing an official version of JEDI, which LUCASFILM have given permission to via the Hungarian STAR WARS Fan Club.

Some of the incredible art pages for the new adaptation. Image via Kepregenyblog.

The original first official 1983 comic adaptation of JEDI by MARVEL wasn't able to show key scenes that were then being filmed in ultra top-secret conditions in London, like Yoda's passing into the Force, or the final reveal of Anakin Skywalker, so it'll be great to see these classic moments, and many more, get the artwork telling they so richly deserve. Perhaps one day, the official SW site will publish the entire strips in conjunction with Fazekas and the Club.

Check out this great blog for more info and samples of Fazekas great SW work:   Attila Fazekas And The Legal Bootleg Star Wars! — ComicBitsOnline.com

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