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The collective wet dreams of teenage boys and grownup perverts around the globe have become a shocking reality, as the Internet is abuzz about a quickly circulating naked picture of Vanessa Hudgens, who is Zac Efron's High School Musical co-star and real-life main squeeze. (It would be extremely simple for me to link to said photograph, but I must attempt to fake some dignity by not making it easy for you to access. You'll have to go to Google all on your own.)

While the industry churns out commentary about whether or not this naked scandal will destroy her career and/or Disney's HSM franchise, I am more occupied with this thought: If an incredibly generous act of wish fullfilment by some higher power can publicly deflower the female half of Zanessa, then the public deflowering of the male half of Zanessa is in the realm of possibility.

Suddenly, I want a Jamba Juice.

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