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Read my lips

I know many people suffer from chapped and dry lips, including me. Not a nice look and feeling at all. Recently, My sister and I became Labello fans, this product straight from Germany works wonders on my lips. Labello comes from the Latin words “labium” (lips) and “bellus” (beautiful) and surely help to get those beautiful, shiny, soft lips. Something I love about it is,they have variety of colors and smells on lip palms and they have a soft yummie taste!!

This one is the one I've been using lately:
~ Labello Fruity Shine Pomegranate ~ It's smell is just delicious, it has a soft sweet taste and gives a nice reddish color to your lips.
For more deets on Fruity Shine Pomegranate: http://int.labello.com/products/color-and-shine/pomegranate


I've also tried
~ Labello Angel Star, just because it was pink, I love pink so, it caught my eye. It's smell is great and it
leaves a soft, shiny pearly color on your lips but, in my opinion, it doesn't help much with the whole chapped thingy.
For more deets on Angel Star: http://int.labello.com/products/color-and-shine/angelstar


Can't go out without Labello in my purse now, I really wanna try the natural lip palm. You can check all the Labello products here: http://int.labello.com/

So remember, put some labello on your lips, drink enough water and you'll have some nice and soft kissable lips!!

SMUAK!!! xx

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