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Dirty Fabulous gets it's Groove on!

I'm not sure if there could be a lovelier setting for a festival...

It was easy to get snap happy over the weekend as Killruddery House is as picture perfect as they come.

Being a busy working Mum has meant that it's many moons since my last festival so I was itching to get to Groove Festival in Bray.... I was not dissapointed...

I was as excited as one of those bouncy toilet roll puppies much to the amusement of our group!

Although I went to Groove with my best gal pals I could really have brought my little boys. The whole event was unbelievably child friendly and there were little tikes and bigger kids running carefree through the grounds all day. All children had to be registered in a separate tent before entering and were allocated with a separate band. A brilliant idea from the Groove organisers.

Small children could while away a few hours in the enchanted garden which was completely separate from the Groovy happenings of the festival. In this area there was a cute little coffee and crepe stand, picnic benches, chickens and even a partridge in a pear tree (well actually it was an apple tree but close enough for me)

They were entertained by these funny gentlemen where space was the name of the game.

They could try their hand at making a rocket before watching real rockets being launched by the Irish Rocketry Society. We caught the rockets being launched on Sunday and were surprised by how carried away we were in the excitement. We were shouting out the countdown as loud as the younger festival goers!

This monstro sandpit means that i'll definitely be paying Kilruddery House another visit with my toddler. He loves nothing more than whiling away a few hours in a sandpit.

The older children were also spoilt for choice with Aqua Sphering, Tag archery and a climbing wall. Don't worry those who were young at heart could bounce, run and climb to their hearts content!

Now back to the Grown ups....

These vintage vixens were fixing festivalers up with retro hair and make-up. We spotted many a fine victory roll over the weekend. 
(Dear Gods of the Garden, please let me wake up some morning with one of these pretty caravans in situ!)

Although I wasn't familiar with quite a few names in the weekend line-up the people at Groove knew their Groovetastic bands and had rounded up a killer line-up!

 I had really, really wanted to see Miss Kate as she looked AMAZING but we arrived just as she was finishing up. I didn't have too much time to mope as out bounded this lot: 

They had the most awesome, stompin' dance tunes that much to the amusement of my group I had to flee solo immediately to the front of the stage to jump about in an ungainly manor. (I swear I really do have rhythm!). When they started playing a Dr Who mix I nearly exploded!!!

Next up was Cathy Davey, adored by Dirty Fabulous. My oldest boy is called Ruben and we all danced like troopers when this song came on! If any of you out there haven't heard Cathy Davey sing you need to rectify this...now. Imagine warm, boppy honey surrounded by family and friends...Yup, Cathy Davey makes you feel like this!

James, of the Sit Down kind arrived next and we all felt a touch of nostalgic loveliness. But it was time for refreshments and nourishment. 
We refueled on roast pig, burgers, noodles, ice-cream and bubbles (not all at once!)

This was the only one we had mind you!

mmmmm...Teddy's ice cream

The weather was typically "Irish":
 sun blazing: jackets off, rain pelting down: jackets on...and so on and so on and so on!!! 

The quirky settings just screamed for photos to be taken, we really couldn't help ourselves!

The gorgeous Claire of the Informal Florist was on hand to give festival revelers a touch of boho beauty with her ivy crowns
Before we knew it, it was time for the main event, Paloma Faith.
Our groups collective heads nearly spontaneously combusted when she bounced on stage.

She was amazing, tremendous, funny, cute and has a voice made for belting out soulful, upbeat songs.
We all agreed that Paloma was indeed our girl crush and we made our way happily back to our room for the night at The Wilton (camping? no way hosay!)

The next day after breakfast in bed (This is how a festival should be done in my opinion) and a late check out we wandered across the road back to Groove.

The weather was glorious and we spent several hours having coffees, reading news papers and eating cake in the pretty courtyard of the tea rooms whilst listening to the acts on The Harbour Bar stage.
We adored the country/folk band Old Hannah and Mongoose were an absolute delight!

I'm afraid here is where my pictures end but the festival went on!

The Booka Brass Band had us up and jumping around especially when Jerry Fish joined them on stage (we're big fans in DF HQ.)
Paul Heaton & Jacqui Abbott (from The Beautiful South) had us crooning away to endless songs. We lost count of how many time we said"oh...I love this song!"
Then the headliner of Sunday night, Mr. David Gray himself arrived on stage. His voice was pitch perfect and gave you a warm fuzzy feeling inside. He seemed like a lovely, genuine guy who was excited to be there. We all loved his new song Mutineers.

Before we knew it, it was time to leave and get back to reality!
So in summary "Groove was AWESOME!"

Yes, I can still do festivals (with a few luxury perks, such as a bed)
I can't wait to see next years line-up,  
I might even bring the whole family...although....
Until then I might take a relaxing trip back to Killruddery for one of their summer events.

A cute mini reveler enjoying Cathy Davey

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