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Candle Review: NEST Rose Noir & Oud

Hi guys so I have another home fragrance post for you. 
For my candle-burning tips click: here

Candle: NEST Rose Noir & Oud

Availability:  This can be purchased at $16 for a 2 oz  candle, $42 for an 8.1 oz candle,  or at $68 for a 21.1 oz candle.
Would I buy this again?: How do I put this? My heart says yes but my wallet says step away from the candle girl!
Notes: The scent description sounds rather questionable given my preferences - Rose de Mai, Patchouli, Incense they say.
As you guys may know depending how long you've either known me or have read this blog - I don't like patchouli and I'm not fond of scents that one would describe as "earthy" - hence pure incense is also a scent that I don't love. Oud overall is a hit or miss for me depending on what it's mixed with but even as a hit I tend to like those hit scents, I don't LOVE them. Anywho...
I don't know how to explain this scent other than to say that the earthy tones tend to somehow intermingle with the sweetness of the rose without overpowering it... which isn't common; they give the rose depth that a sweet rose scent wouldn't have on its own... making it sexy yet somehow... empowered?
As the wax warms and burns, the scent intensifies, though it doesn't change. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Disclaimer: This was provided for testing purposes. I am under no obligation to mention it on this blog. 

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