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Vitamin E Can Help Skin Care, Hair, Fight Aging

Vitamin E refers to a group of fat-soluble nutrient compounds made up of two primary groups: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each compound has its own specific functions in the body, though the benefits of each are inter-related. The benefits of vitamin e for the overall good health of individuals are substantial. In particular, vitamin e is very important in healthy and proper skin care as discussed below, according to vitamins.lovetoknow.com.

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Anti-Aging Benefits of Vitamin E

Vitamin e added to lotions, creams, and other skin care products, as well as taken orally, plays a role in the anti-aging of skin. It helps skin look younger by reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Also, free radicals are believed to play an important role in skin aging and therefore the antioxidant activity is quite valuable for this skin problem.

Pure vitamin E oil is extremely versatile. A major benefit of vitamin E oil for the skin is that it helps the healing process. As vitamin E is absorbed by the epidermis layer of the skin, it can be used for treating sunburn or protecting you from the sun.

Another widely known health benefit of vitamin E is in skin care and hair care. Owing to its antioxidant properties, vitamin E promotes the circulation of blood to the scalp. Vitamin E helps alleviate fatigue and strengthen capillary walls while nourishing the cells.

Vitamin E protects artery walls and keeps the 'bad' low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from being oxidized. Oxidation of LDL cholesterol marks the beginning of clogged arteries. Vitamin E also keeps the blood thin by preventing blood platelets from clumping together. High levels of vitamin E in the body decrease the risk of a non-fatal heart attack or stroke in most people.

A dynamic cancer fighter, vitamin E protects cells and DNA from damage that can turn cancerous. It reduces the growth of tumors while enhancing immune function and preventing precancerous substances from being turned into carcinogens. Studies with mice show that vitamin E applied to the skin may help prevent skin cancer resulting from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

Vitamin E can be beneficial to people with diabetes. It enhances the action of insulin and improves blood glucose metabolism by reducing oxidative stress.

Other Vitamin E Benefits

Research studies have shown that vitamin E may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. Other scientists believe that this powerful antioxidant may slow the progression of this debilitating illness. Research in these areas is continuing as scientists keep learning about the many benefits of antioxidants on the body.

There are a variety of other benefits of vitamin e for skin care:

Vitamin e products help reduce the appearance of stretch marks

Vitamin e can help prevent the appearance of age spots

It helps maintain the skin's oil balance during the cleansing process

It reduces trans epidermal water loss from skin and strengthens the skin's barrier function.

Avoiding miscarriage in cases where vitamin E deficiency is a promoting factor.

Helpful in treating lupus.

As researchers continue to study and understand the benefits of vitamin E and how the antioxidant compounds work in the human body, they will find conclusive proof of the role of this vital nutrient.

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